Right Parenting?

As a child all we want from our parents is some quality time. Ask the millennial generation, how many of them actually get that? This not only makes them anxious but also develops a rage in them which results as the child being lost, not able to understand his/her self and thoughts. We all have a lot of questions and we do start seeking for answers from a very early age but the question marks are most often forced into full-stops. It is made to believe that by following the norms and all the stereotypes set by the society are the only way to survive and succeed in life. 

I remember that one day when my school had arranged for picnic, for which every student was asked to pay a nominal fees, that was absolutely fine I guess. I told my parents I wanted to go because all my friends were going, my dad straightly denied it. On the day of picnic I told mom that I didn't want to go to school because everyone would be going for picnic and I would be alone, but she got me ready and sent me to school, according to her those not going will have class to attend. I was just a 5 year old kid, in class KG. That day everyone went to picnic and I was left alone in the school, neither did anyone come to pick me up. I waited and waited and just waited. 

There was another incident. It was PTM, I was in second standard. That day before leaving for school I'd given my dad reminders that he has to come. I again waited, expecting him. It was the closing time and I was the only child left in class, he didn't turn up instead, for a change, he sent a staff from his office just to pick me up as the school bus wasn't available that day. Coming back home I was furious at him, crying and questioning why did he not come and he simply said I was busy, I did sent a staff to pick you up.

Of course he was busy, busy making money and mom was just helping him do so. None of them had time. True, they did give all the materialistic things to my brother and me but did they actually try to understand our needs?

My parents not turning up for the PTM had become a trend in my life, and not only that, the activities I use to participate was also not of their interest or importance or rather their priority, to attend. I'd given up all my hopes on that.

When a child does not get the required quality time, they start to build their own world in which they don't include their parents, they make distance from them and become arrogant and demanding.

Every parent should understand that making the family financially secure is important but equally the emotional support is. Every child should be allowed to question and discover their own do's and dont's with just some guidance, that's it. It is the childhood that reflects in the future of every individual. Today, you might think you are right, because you are protecting your child, but don't forget you will not be there forever. Help them prepare and build their dreams, get to know them and shape them. Spend some QUALITY TIME with them! COMMUNICATE!
